First level support with assistance from artificial intelligence
With its 7,000 students and trainees, Gibb Vocational School has its own triage service to provide level 1 IT support.
Our web application, the Avasuite, supports the vocational school in the support area. On site, at the entrance to the support department, our humanoid robot Pepper is the first physical point of contact. Students can also communicate with our digital avatars via tablets in various buildings. Our web interface adapts to any device. Microsoft Teams has also been expanded to include a support chatbot. All these functions have a supportive effect and take the pressure off the IT service. Students have access to Gibb’s IT support around the clock, 24/7. Our AVASUITE can interact with both physical media such as robots and virtual media such as avatars, accessing the same customer database.
Our AI uses all available media, in this case Microsoft Teams, virtual avatars and humanoid robots, to seamlessly communicate with students around the clock and help them with simple problems.